In the Lord I take refuge.
How then can you say to me:
“Flee like a bird to your mountain.
2 For look, the wicked bend their bows;
they set their arrows against the strings
to shoot from the shadows
at the upright in heart.
3 When the foundations are being destroyed,
what can the righteous do?”
Psalm 11 The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the LORD and against his anointed one. “Let us break their chains,” they cry, “and free ourselves from slavery to God.”
Psalm 2:2-3
It should be deeply disturbing to believers in Jesus just how much our country has drifted from God's way of life.
Parliament has taken a sledgehammer to the very foundations that were laid from the beginning of time:
Matthew 19:4-6 He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman? It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”
There Jesus sums up the basis for stable family life - one man, one woman together for life.
How is it that we believe that we know better than God?
Gender fluidity, same sex "marriage" have been introduced without even having a vote on it!
Laws are in place which fly in the face of God's eternal structure.
Kids grow up with two mums or two dad's or just one mum as there's a lack of faithfulness in relationships.
Pregnancy is treated as optional and millions of unborn babies are aborted becoming a lucrative material in the cosmetic or drug industry.
Is it any wonder we are in such a sorry state?
Is it really freedom to rear children without clear guidelines, not knowing their sexual identity?
A famous singer has declared he wants to be called "they" as he's uncertain of his gender!
Surely it is obvious from his physical "equipment"?
The further we go from God's way, the more foolish we become.
In an effort to shake off "slavery" to God's design for us, we have become enslaved to confusion.
It's time to be brave and stand up for truth.