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Utterly saved!

Hebrews 7:25 AMPC

Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost (completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity) those who come to God through Him, since He is always living to make petition to God and intercede with Him and intervene for them.

How saved am I? That's a good question.

Am I saved only on days when I feel like it?

During the waking night seasons, I am often haunted by my past sins.

They seem to taunt me and goad me into undermining my faith in the salvation of Jesus.

I've just woken from a dream in which I was a murderer who had lied to avoid arrest.

Waking, I felt a huge burden of suppressed, hidden guilt.

Was I like that? Had I done something and denied it so deeply that I couldn't even remember it?

Such silly thoughts can only be thrown at me by the evil one.

The Holy Spirit came to my rescue, reassuring me of Jesus' complete, perpetual forgiveness, using the verse above.

Over the years, I've heard much deliberation about "once saved, always saved" and others saying you can lose your salvation.

There are scriptures for and against such conflicting views.

I cling to the scriptures that support my eternal, complete salvation.

Otherwise I'd always be worried about whether Jesus' death and resurrection is enough to get me to Heaven.

John 10:28 AMPC

And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.

Hallelujah - thank You Jesus!

As the old hymn says:

Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!

Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;

Redeemed through His infinite mercy,

His child, and forever, I am.

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