John 2:10 NKJV
And he said to him, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!"
Many years ago I heard a sermon based on this verse - it still reverberates in my heart.
We may have had some great experiences of tasting the Holy Spirit in the past, we may hope for the same in the future, but what about NOW?
"Now" may be a very sad time, a time of lack or loss, a time of sickness or hard testing or just everyday hum-drum-ness - then what about our "now's"?
Can Jesus have kept His best "wine" till now for you and me?
Do I think I'm too old, too young, too out of touch, too indifferent, too insignificant to taste the best "wine" of "now"?
Remember, those wedding guests were all able to share in the wine that Jesus miraculously provided. The servants distributed it freely, because Jesus made enough and to spare (there were about 120 gallons of wine in those 6 stone water jars!).
Jesus wants to turn the ordinary water of our lives into His best wine "NOW", whatever our circumstances.
As Paul states "amidst", right in the thick of our trials we are more than conquerors - the best wine of "now" is being offered by the Holy Spirit.
Come to a full stop and ask to take a sip of what the Lord wants you to drink in right "now" (better take a good gulp!) .....
Psalm 34:8 NKJV
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
John 10:10 AMPC
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Are we, as Jesus' servants able to distribute His "wine" now to those around us?
Selah in the NOW!