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Tuning in

Tuning in

Romans 12:15 NLT

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.

Wow! The recent weeks have been lessons in tuning in to those around us going through hard trials, bereavement and deep sorrow.

Before our own sudden loss we were outside, onlookers, as we prayed, but then when we were actually involved ourselves, it was as if we felt what they were feeling.

We could enter in and properly understand to pray, hug and weep.

Empathy always transcends sympathy - surely that's why Jesus had to walk the way of loneliness, rejection, betrayal, deep sorrow, agony and death.

He weeps with us, grieves with us and understands because He's been there Himself.

He drank "the Cup" and drained it to its dregs to make a pathway of victory through our own sufferings.

Yours and my sadnesses are not the end of the story.

As Jesus was anointed to bind up the broken-hearted - we too as ambassadors for Him are called to come alongside hurting people.

Even if it's just to murmur a deep prayer from our own sorrowing soul:

"When you pray, seated next to your Lord in the heavenlies, remember that your most feeble and faint prayer shakes the hearts of the people for whom you intercede. It’s a privilege. It’s a responsibility."

"Weep with those who weep" is a gentle command, not optional.

Lovingly tune into someone today - in prayer and in person...

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