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Tried through pain

Job 23:10 AMPC

But He knows the way that I take [He has concern for it, appreciates, and pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I shall come forth as refined gold [pure and luminous].

Going through any kind of pain be it physical, spiritual or emotional is a challenge to faith.

Yet, be assured, our loving heavenly Father doesn't stand aloof and uncaring. He is paying very close attention.

None of us can fully explain or understand the ways of the Lord and why things happen as they do.

Suffering is the highest hurdle of all to belief in a loving, caring God.

There is always a hollow echoing "W-H-Y" coming from our humanity and will continue until we meet Jesus face to face.

1 Corinthians 13:12 AMPC

For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God].

Until that day we rest on three "pillars" to safeguard our walk with Jesus:

Faith - to carry on believing in the face of adversity;

Hope - to look beyond the horizon of what we see;

Love - to understand that God loves us no matter what - with a heart anchored in thanks for the Cross - which, above all, exposed the unconditional love of Jesus.

Psalm 138:7-8 AMPC

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. [8] The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever-forsake not the works of Your own hands.

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