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To where we are!

John 20 :19

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

Sometimes I want someone to know Jesus so badly that I wish I could upzip their heart, throw Jesus in and zip them up again!

But it doesn't work like that, does it?

It's not my timing and my way...

Sadly I've banged the gospel drum so loudly at times, I've driven people away.

Notice Jesus, in this passage, He comes through locked doors, to cringing, disbelieving disciples to reveal Himself.

He'd already sent witnesses to them (the Marys) to let them know He was alive, but they didn't receive the message.

They thought it was just silly, hysterical women, overcome with grief, wanting Jesus to be real!

I'm sure you know people who have locked out the message of Jesus, thinking it's just "pie in the sky when you die" rubbish.

Try as hard as you want, but there is no getting through the locked doors.

Thankfully the Risen Lord isn't restricted by locks.

Indeed, He has the Master key to every door.

Moreover, He can pass through those doors and speak His Word.

There's a time to back off and let Jesus go to that person Himself, behind closed doors.

He has ways to speak intimately and personally, as only He can.

Be encouraged - keep praying!

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