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Threshing "mountains"!

Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,

little Israel, do not fear,

for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord,

your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,

new and sharp, with many teeth.

You will thresh the mountains and crush them,

and reduce the hills to chaff.

You will winnow them, the wind will pick them up,

and a gale will blow them away.

But you will rejoice in the Lord

and glory in the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 41:14-16

This morning I woke up late, unequal to the task ahead. Mountains of work before me and energy resources at exhausted levels.

We each have mountains before us in one shape or form:

mountains of grief, exams, housework, problems, sickness, tasks, correspondence, repairs to cars & houses and on and on!

It's so easy to feel daunted and unequal to these "mountain ranges" which are looming over us, blocking out the sunshine of our joy and peace.

They are like the booming voice of Goliath, daring us to fight them, frightening us into inactivity.

God promises His followers that He Himself will help us, even though we have the strength of a "worm"!

The first thing to be "kicked into touch" is fear. God says "Don't be afraid, I AM with you".

Mountains can make us feel afraid and alone, BUT GOD, Emanuel is with us.

When it's all too much "thresh" - little by little, one step at a time - let God make you sharp again.

God the Father promises: "You will thresh the mountains and make them into hills. Then winnow (blowing air through grain to remove the chaff) them until they are dust...."

Let the wind of the Holy Spirit blow through those problems, negative emotions and thoughts.

It's a process, not a waving of a wand, like magic. "One day at a time with Jesus".

What was it Jesus said?

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34

Off to do some threshing - one moment at a time!

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