Matthew 5:38-39 NLT
"You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' [39] But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.
Jesus, did You REALLY mean it?
It's seems so unfair and the opposite to how I feel when someone hurts me unjustly.
Yet it's written in black and white - no room for misunderstanding!
Don't I always want to "hit back" with my words, if not physically...
So here I am confronted by Jesus' hard teaching.
Every day life throws me the opportunity to either live my own way or step out and live His Way - the hardest thing.
When everything in me screams: "get your own back" - I'm to breathe in and stoically "take it on the chin" and not take it to heart!
Wow! I'm not there yet, far from it, I sadly have to admit.
How did Jesus manage to keep quiet when people were lying about Him?
How did He absorb all the torture and mocking of the Roman soldiers?
How did He rebound from the denial of His closest disciples - they all ran away and left Him.
How could He put aside His option to "come down from the Cross" and lay one on His enemies?
The answer is amazing grace, unending love and overflowing mercy.
He knew who He was, He knew His Mission and He loved His Father enough to fulfill His Will.
As the old song says:
He left the splendour of Heaven
Knowing His destiny
Twas the lonely hill of Golgotha
Where He lay down His life for me
Can I leave justice in the Hands of my Heavenly Father? Do I trust Him enough to let Him be my Vindicator?
Obviously not enough when I try to defend myself....
God will stick up for me as I stay close to Him.
I have a big empty room in my heart - the room for improvement!