Matthew 25:31-33
“But when I, the Messiah, shall come in my glory, and all the angels with me, then I shall sit upon my throne of glory. And all the nations shall be gathered before me. And I will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and place the sheep at my right hand, and the goats at my left.
Over the next few days I want to examine the passage about the sheep and goats.
Although it has been called one, it is definitely not a parable.
We've just celebrated the first coming of Jesus as a helpless babe, born in a makeshift "manger" cradle.
It wasn't an auspicious occasion, not many knew about it or celebrated it back then.
Jesus' second coming will be totally different.
It will be all encompassing, everyone will see Him and everyone will be involved.
It will be glorious - with angels accompanying Him and He will have a majestic throne as His seat.
The throne of our monarchy will be puny in comparison.
Then will come the great separation.
Jesus, who proclaimed Himself to be "The Good Shepherd", knew the difference between sheep and goats:
Sheep - who were gentle, obedient, knowing and following their shepherd;
Goats - who were greedy, aggressive independent and unruly.
Jesus likens the people of the nations to sheep and goats.
He will separate the two kinds - one herd on His right hand (symbolising good and blessed) and the other on His left hand (symbolising bad and cursed).
As we near the return of Jesus, it is vital to be found in the right flock.
Let it be that we are found following the Master in these perilous times.
May each of us proclaim: "The Lord is MY Shepherd" and keep close to Him.
Question: "Am I a sheep or a goat?"
To be continued ....