John 13:2 AMPC
So [it was] during supper, Satan having already put the thought of betraying Jesus in the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son
Ever had a strange thought pop into your mind - one that you don't recognise as your own?
From where do such thoughts emanate?
In this passage we read how Satan had introduced the idea of betraying Jesus into Judas' mind.
Something evil had triggered this inexplicable notion to Judas. Yet he had to pick it up and run with it. Perhaps he saw a chance to make some money?
The devil's malignant tactics haven't changed since the Garden of Eden.
Satan's subtle thought processes seduce our minds so as to produce doubts about God's goodness and hence undermine our trust in the Lord.
What's our defence against these invasive thoughts?
First is to realise that we are in a war - not a physical one, but a real one nevertheless - one waged against our minds in the spiritual realm.
Satan wants to destroy us, because we are precious, yes each one of us, to God.
He wants to take as many of God's creation to damnation with him.
So he uses treacherous thoughts to entice us into doubting God's existence and, if not successful in that, doubting God's identity in Jesus Christ.
But we have weapons against these attacks:
Ephesians 6:12,17 NLT
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. [17] Put on Salvation as your helmet, and take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
We need our minds to be covered with the Precious Blood of Jesus, which bought our salvation - that is our helmet.
Our strategic offensive weapon is God's Holy Word - here we can find everything we need to eject Satan's blasphemous thoughts from our minds.
It is the only right way to resist the devil.
We have God's promise:
James 4:7 NLT
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Take time to study how Jesus overcame Satan's tactics in Matthew chapter 4.