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Silent Witness

Numbers 11:1-6

The people were soon complaining about all their misfortunes, and the Lord heard them. His anger flared out against them because of their complaints, so the fire of the Lord began destroying those at the far end of the camp. They screamed to Moses for help, and when he prayed for them the fire stopped. Ever after, the area was known as “The Place of Burning,” because the fire from the Lord burned among them there.

Then the Egyptians who had come with them began to long for the good things of Egypt. This added to the discontent of the people of Israel and they wept, “Oh, for a few bites of meat! Oh, that we had some of the delicious fish we enjoyed so much in Egypt, and the wonderful cucumbers and melons, leeks, onions, and garlic! But now our strength is gone, and day after day we have to face this manna!”

Being released from slavery to freedom soon became mundane to the Israelites as they travelled in the wilderness.

Then they started to look back over their shoulders with rose coloured spectacles at their former life as slaves in Egypt.

As is the way of human nature they started to glamorise the past. Looking at their daily menu of manna, the foods from Egypt made their mouths water in comparison.

They overlooked the marvellous miracles which the Lord had performed in order to set them free from their hard labour - the provision of manna - the production of water - the parting of the Red Sea. All that first flush of praise faded because they couldn't eat lavish food. They felt restricted.

They hadn't appreciated that the whole time the Lord was the Silent Witness to their whingeing.

He heard and was angry. Seemingly their hearts were ungrateful for the provision and protection they were afforded in the desert - a very difficult place to survive let alone thrive.

As believers we do well to remember that God is listening to everything we say, think and feel. Being ungrateful and complaining stokes the righteous anger of the Lord.

Philippians 2:14-15

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticise you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.

Interesting to note that you will always find someone to agree with you when you are negative and urge on the complaints - notice that there were some Egyptians tagging along with the crowd and they stuck their oar in the water too!

We only have to look at what complaints can do to a family with the revelations recently on TV.

Far better to take everything to God and let Him sort things out. After all He is the Silent Witness on all that is said and is wise enough to deal out justice fairly.

There's a time and place we can let our lips have free reign - in praise, otherwise keep those complaining lips sealed.

Psalm 51:15

Unseal my lips, O Lord,

that my mouth may praise you.

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