Genesis 7:1,4,5,16 AMPC
And the Lord said to Noah, Come with all your household into the ark, for I have seen you to be righteous (upright and in right standing) before Me in this generation. [4] For in seven days I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living substance and thing that I have made I will destroy, blot out, and wipe away from the face of the earth.
And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him. [16] And they that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded [Noah]; and the Lord shut him in and closed [the door] round about him.
Can you imagine all the Noah jokes that were going around as he built the ark?
People would probably have him down as the local "goody-goody" idiot that warned the end of life was coming - God was going to judge the earth.
Of course they ignored Noah's warning and poured scorn on his "pathetic" ark. You can imagine them saying: "C'mon, Noah, no one believes in God anymore. Just get on with your life and leave us alone. You're depressing us!"
Then came the day of the Lord's choosing. The day when He had seen enough of the decadence of mankind.
"Time to get in the ark, Noah"!
Notice Noah never shut anyone out. It was God who shut the door of the ark.
As the flood waters increased, can you picture folks looking on seeing that massive ark begin to float?
Did they clamour to get on board as the rain went on day after day, washing away houses and belongings?
Recently, we've had tremendous downpours, but 40 days and nights of perpetual rain, what must that have been like?
When God shuts a door - it stays shut.
Revelation 3:7
“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: “This is the message from the One who is Holy and True. He has the key that belonged to David, and when He opens a door, no one can close it, and when He closes it, no one can open it.
At present, the Door to our Ark of salvation, the Lord Jesus, is open. We can come to Him to be safe from judgement.
Yet the day will come, as it did in Noah's time, that God will shut the Door.
Of course, you can choose to shut the door of your heart tight against the persistent knocking of the Holy Spirit. You can call God non-existent or immaterial - laugh at the idea of Divine Judgement.
Scoff as you may at the prophecies in the Bible, but, as you see one after another being fulfilled before your very eyes, my prayer is that it will dawn on you that Jesus is the only Way forward for your life.
Get on board the Life-Boat before the door closes.
In the end there will be only 2 classes of people - those who are shut in safely with Jesus and those who are shut out.
It's your choice.