Psalm 17:8 AMPC
Keep and guard me as the pupil of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings.
This evening we visited the nest of the newly hatched cygnets. It was a glorious sight to see the cob (dad) guarding the nest and the pen (mum) sheltering them under her wings, their very presence keeping any danger at bay.
For a long time we stood trying to get a glimpse of the babies, but mummy swan was keeping her wings firmly, but with utmost gentleness, arched over the snuggling little ones, hiding them from view.
In the verse quoted above we see the writer of the "song" asking to be hidden in the shadow of the Lord's wings.
Sometimes we forget how precious we are to God - that He is arching His wings of protection over us, sheltering us from harm, warming us with His love and nurturing us with His Word.
In the world, super heroes come with booming voices and physical force, but our Lord Jesus came as the Suffering Servant... a gentle "God-man"... not raising His voice or trampling on the weak.
Isaiah 42:2-3
2 He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
3 A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.
Ever feel like your faith is a smouldering candle about to be extinguished? Jesus won't blow you out. He won't shout condemnation loudly at you like some enraged, red faced school teacher.
Psalm 18:35 says Your gentleness has made me great [NKJV]
Let's take a lesson from the baby swans, shall we, affirming:
And I will live in the shadow of your wing ...
Check out these wonderful verses all on the same theme - Psalm 57:1 , Psalm 63:7, Psalm 17:8, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 91 :4
The Lord IS awesome in power, but, to His children He is tender and kind.
As you come to Jesus take comfort in the protection under His "wings".
It's the best place of safety in these trying times... and for ALL time!