1 Samuel 2:12-15 NLT
Now the sons of Eli were scoundrels who had no respect for the LORD [13] or for their duties as priests. Whenever anyone offered a sacrifice, Eli's sons would send over a servant with a three-pronged fork. While the meat of the sacrificed animal was still boiling, [14] the servant would stick the fork into the pot and demand that whatever it brought up be given to Eli's sons. All the Israelites who came to worship at Shiloh were treated this way. [15] Sometimes the servant would come even before the animal's fat had been burned on the altar. He would demand raw meat before it had been boiled so that it could be used for roasting.
1 Samuel 2:17 NLT
So the sin of these young men was very serious in the LORD's sight, for they treated the LORD's offerings with contempt.
I was recently very "hurt" when a Christian leader, who I had greatly admired, massively fell from grace.
I expect many others felt shattered too.
Yet misusing positions of spiritual power is nothing new. Always Satan strikes where the most damage can be done.
Making selfish gain out of serving the Lord isn't anything new.
Here we read of how Eli's sons, who were priests, grabbed the sacrifices meant for God and used these to gorge themselves.
So we shouldn't be surprised when we see the same sort of things happening in "the church"!
Fallen human nature is the same in the Old and New Testaments.
In Jesus' time it was the religious leaders who were the biggest "spanner in the works".
Luke 11:43-44 NLT
"What sorrow awaits you Pharisees! For you love to sit in the seats of honour in the synagogues and receive respectful greetings as you walk in the marketplaces. [44] Yes, what sorrow awaits you! For you are like hidden graves in a field. People walk over them without knowing the corruption they are stepping on."
Many people see corruption in church leadership and use it as an excuse to reject Jesus.
Always remember not to focus on frail humanity for inspiration and examples to follow.
Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT
And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. [2] We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.
Humans will fail, that's a fact, but Jesus never will.