John 15:1-3 AMPC
I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. [2] Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. [3] You are cleansed and pruned already, because of the word which I have given you [the teachings I have discussed with you].
We have 2 fig trees in our garden. The one at the front is very special to my nearest and dearest because it is a "distant relative" of the one from his kibbutz in Israel.
It was grown from a twig cutting I brought back in my hand luggage.
Not only did it grow, but it became so large that its branches nearly encroached on next door's drive.
Yet there was never any fruit to eat. What grew was very small and fell off before it was edible.
We learned from a YouTube expert that you have to prune it back so that all the strength is concentrated in fruit producing!
So said nearest and dearest got the garden shears and radically cut it back.
During the winter and early spring we really thought we'd killed it. It was just a bare trunk and a few naked branches.
But if you see it now, it a mass of greenery - and lots of small figs have appeared.
Now whether or not we'll have a harvest, as yet we don't know.
What a ramble, but, look at what Jesus says about us.
He wants us to produce much fruit in our lives and, with His expertise, He knows what needs to be cut away in order for us to bring a harvest.
It may be a harvest of the fruit of the Holy Spirit - more peace, patience, gentleness, long suffering, self control etc etc.
Or, it maybe a harvest of others touched with the good news of Jesus and His Love.
So, if you've been pruned - something that you love has been taken from you - remember that God the Father loves you and wants you to grow and be fruitful.
It may look like your life has nothing to give at times, but just wait, you'll see.
Can I look back in my life and prove this is true?
Yes, absolutely!
There were events in time when I was stripped of a job, a home, a church fellowship, friends and family....
But God knew what He was about!
He is the Master Gardener!
If you're feeling like our pruned fig tree, stay planted in Jesus and His Word - with the sunshine of His Love and Faithfulness, you will bloom again.