Psalm 23:5 AMPC
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over.
Yesterday we had an amazing surprise - a friend, who is a trained chef, emailed to say he had decided to prepare and deliver a lunch to our house and, would we be in to receive it.
True enough, the doorbell went and there was a beautifully presented box of home cooked food... a mushroom and asparagus quiche, fruit coleslaw, beetroot, salad for main; strawberries and cream for pud, pear & raspberry juice to drink and some Lindt chocolates!
He stood at a social distance (of course), chatted a bit, we said a grateful thanks and he drove off.
Then we sat down and ate - it was brilliant.
We had done NOTHING to deserve it. It was just an act of kindness.
Needless to say it touched my heart profoundly and brought the verse at the beginning to mind.
How our Heavenly Father provides for us random acts of kindness, not because we deserve it or have asked for it, but just because He loves us.
All we had to do was sit down and eat. What a shame if we had left the box on the doorstep and wasted what our friend had prepared... Or worse still, if we hadn't opened the door to him!
In the same way, don't waste the opportunity to "taste" the wonder of Jesus' offer of love & forgiveness that He prepared and delivers to the door of your heart. Sit down right now and taste the goodness of God:
Psalm 34:8 AMPC
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!