Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Sitting here, in the early morning, watching the birds seeking out the the tiny insects as juicy morsels for their breakfast - they make food their first priority.
What's mine? What's the first thought that pops into my mind in the morning?... Probably, "Where's my coffee"!!
You've heard the saying: "the early bird catches the worm," perhaps the same applies in our walk with Jesus - the early Christian catches God's Word?
O GOD, You are my God; Early will I seek You” (Psalm 63:1a, NKJV)
This is not to burden folks with children who have demands on their time, but it's vital to put aside time to seek, prioritise our walk with Jesus.
I'm brought to mind of Susannah Wesley (mum to John & Charles who were vessels used to bring about great revival in Britain during 1700's). Although she had many children (19 in all), she made time with Jesus a priority. When her children saw her with an apron over her head, they knew they must leave her alone as she was praying!
Read her fascinating story here:
There are ingenious ways of putting God first!
Jesus, in His earthly life, often got up before dawn to draw strength and commune with His Heavenly Father. If even He needed it, how much more do I?
Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.
Mark 1:35
Relationships and friendships fail because communication is lost - to nurture any friendship we have to invest time and heart.
With our Heavenly Father, there is a great reward for putting Him at the top of our list of priorities - everything else falls into place - as Jesus promised in the sermon on the mount.
All the things we tend to worry about - our food, our clothes, our fears are all taken care of by making Him our first priority.