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Precious blood

1 Peter 1:19 AMPC

But [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah), like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot.

This morning I reflect anew on what a price was paid to save me.

What it cost Jesus to wash me clean was the most anyone could pay..

No money was enough, no bars of gold could pay my debt towards God.

Only Jesus shedding His own blood would do.

In the Old Covenant animals were offered as a temporary "sticking plaster" to cover over sins.

But so many sacrifices had to be made over and over.

Hebrews 10:4 AMPC

Because the blood of bulls and goats is powerless to take sins away.

Hebrews 10:12 AMPC

Whereas this One [Christ], after He had offered a single sacrifice for our sins [that shall avail] for all time, sat down at the right hand of God

So many songs have been written in praise of that Sacrifice:

There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins

And sinners plunge beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains

Not the labours of my hands can fulfill the law's commands

Should my tears forever flow

Should my zeal no respite know

All for sin could not atone

You must save and You alone

Trusting in anything but the finished work of Jesus on the Cross will lead to a dead end!

Only His Precious Blood can save, cleanse and heal.

In the Cross, in the Cross

Be my glory ever

Till my ransomed soul shall find

Rest beyond the River

It may sound stupid and nonsensical, but it is God's answer to our sin problem!

1 Corinthians 1:18 AMPC

For the story and message of the cross is sheer absurdity and folly to those who are perishing and on their way to perdition, but to us who are being saved it is the [manifestation of] the power of God.

As the old chorus explains:

There's no power like the power of the Blood

There's no power like the cleansing, healing flood

No power against it ever stood


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