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With God "nothing" is impossible

Yesterday we walked through fields which had been sowed by the farmer months ago.

The crops swayed in the breeze slowly growing. They weren't ready for harvest yet.

My nearest and dearest picked up a dry kernel of wheat. It had become disconnected from the stalk and no wheat had been formed - it was dry and empty.

It needed to stay connected, continuing to grow, in order to reap a harvest.

Lately I've been very downhearted about so called "unanswered" prayers.

A long list of people and situations which I've brought before the Lord on a regular basis seem to be unchanged.

"Seem" being the operative word!

Had I become disconnected like that dry kernel?

The Holy Spirit reminded me this morning that "nothing" is the one thing that is impossible with God:

Luke 1:37 AMPC

For with God nothing is impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfilment.

Take these disappointments to Jesus and call for the harvest of answers.

Brandish this verse before the mercy seat of Father God. He is faithful to His Word.


Yes, Father God, I pray for a harvest of healings, a harvest of salvation in the lives of those I'm praying for.

Every prayer is a seed planted, I look for the seedling, the sprouting, the bud and the harvest.

Help me to stay connected to You to see that harvest.

All to bring glory to You... "nothing" is impossible!

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