Psalm 121:1,3-8 TPT
A song of the stairway
I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God's help. But then I realise that our true help and protection come only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth. [3] He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper; He will never forget nor ignore me. [4] He will never slumber nor sleep; He is the Guardian-God for His people, Israel. [5] Jehovah Himself will watch over you; He's always at your side to shelter you safely in His Presence. [6] He's protecting you from all danger both day and night. [7] He will keep you from every form of evil or calamity as He continually watches over you. [8] You will be guarded by God Himself. You will be safe when you leave your home and safely you will return. He will protect you now, and He'll protect you forevermore!
Oh! The wonderful comfort this Psalm brings.
Last night I had a melt down because I couldn't find a map about a journey for the way I had to take today.
Inexplicably, I was a mass of panic and confusion - my emotions taking over my thinking.
My sleep was disturbed and sporadic.
It wasn't until now (4:30am) that I turned to the Keeper of my soul.
Reading this Psalm I realise that relying on Google brings no real help.
My first recourse should always be to the Lord.
He is my Guide, my Guardian.
He's looking out for me ALL THE TIME.

His ears are ever open for my cries.
His eyes lovingly watch over me, whether at home or on a journey.
I am never alone and never without help.
This applies to Israel as a nation (verse 4), how sad that so many of the Land have rejected their Source of Help!
Proudly secular, they wear their atheism like soldiers wear medals on parade - polished and "in your face"!
I pray that the Truth will break through their brick wall and that many will find salvation in their Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).
If they would only open their hearts, they would receive the most wonderful Gift of Eternal Life!
John 1:11-12 TPT
He came to the very people He created- to those who should have recognised Him, but they did not receive Him. [12] But those who embraced Him and took hold of His Name were given authority to become the children of God!