2 Sam 24:24
Shall I give God something which costs me nothing?
This chapter contains a very bewildering situation for many reasons, but the Lord pulled this "sword" out!
Gifts are rated in a very different way by our Lord! It's not the amount we give, but what it costs us personally.
Everyday we read of footballers or celebrities giving great chunks of money to help the NHS, as they love to wave a flag to their generosity.
Yet how much has it really cost them?
I love it that Jesus stood watching rich folk putting their gifts into the Temple treasury and then singled out a poor widow putting in 2 mites.
Then he evaluates their gifts:
Luke 21:3-4 AMPC
And He said, Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them;
For they all gave out of their abundance (their surplus); but she has contributed out of her lack and her want, putting in all that she had on which to live.
It's not only money that Jesus evaluates, but our time, our talent, our energy & our hearts.
You may feel, like that widow, that you have so little to give, but as you give, even out of your lack of vitality, a listening ear to someone who's hurting - Jesus sees and values your effort.
I have a friend who always gives a tangible appreciation for anything done for her. She has been an example of generosity to me down the years. It has challenged me to come up higher in my own giving.
Let's give our Lord "gifts" that mean something. Who knows what God can do with it.
The widow's mite story has inspired so many down the ages. I bet she had no idea what she was doing at the time, but Jesus SAW and used it!
Here's a "pillowism" Your gift may not be mighty, but let it be "mitey"