Luke 22:40-45 AMPC
And when He came to the place, He said to them, Pray that you may not [at all] enter into temptation. [41] And He withdrew from them about a stone's throw and knelt down and prayed, [42] Saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done. [43] And there appeared to Him an angel from heaven, strengthening Him in spirit. [44] And being in an agony [of mind], He prayed [all the] more earnestly and intently, and His sweat became like great clots of blood dropping down upon the ground. [45] And when He got up from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping from grief
People often fail us in our darkest hour.
The ones we expected would stand by us are the very ones that disappoint the most.
Jesus, facing the greatest spiritual, mental, emotional and physical trial that anyone had faced, longed for the prayers and support of His closest followers.
But they weren't able to understand what He was about to go through. So they fell asleep.
We're told that Jesus was in great agony of mind and spirit.
Friends, He has plunged the very depths of depression. He has walked that dark path.
He recoiled so much at facing the unveiled ugly viciousness of evil, that He started to haemorrhage - sweating great drops of blood.
It is not some fictional dramatisation, but an actual medical condition:
"Bloody sweating is called hematohidrosis; true hematohidrosis occur in bleeding disorders. It may occur in individuals suffering from extreme levels of stress. Around the sweat glands, there are multiple blood vessels in a net-like form, which constrict under the pressure of great stress."
One of my favourite hymn states:
For me it was in the garden
He prayed not My will but thine
He had no tears for His own grief
But sweat drops of blood for mine
How marvellous, how wonderful
And my song shall ever be
How marvellous, how wonderful
Is my Saviour's love for me
If you're depressed or feeling let down by life - Jesus understands and is walking by your side.
Take a peek into Gethsemane and you'll realise He understands all too well.
He's carried your burdens so that you don't have to!
May His Name be forever blessed