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Isaiah 40:22-24 AMPC

It is God Who sits above the circle (the horizon) of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; it is He Who stretches out the heavens like [gauze] curtains and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in, [23] Who brings dignitaries to nothing, Who makes the judges and rulers of the earth as chaos (emptiness, falsity, and futility). [24] Yes, these men (and women) are scarcely planted, scarcely are they sown, scarcely does their stock take root in the earth, when [the Lord] blows upon them and they wither, and the whirlwind or tempest takes them away like stubble.

We've seen a chaotic change of leaders in our land during the past few months.

Reliability and stability seems faraway.

Even the Queen, our stoic head of state, has gone and has been replaced by a man whose life has been wracked with controversy.

People search for some certainty in a rudderless world.

Where is it to be found?

Is anyone in charge, charting the course of history?

Thank God, we have His Word as our Heavenly GPS and compass to reassure us in the surging waves of trouble engulfing the planet.

We are told how infinite is God's power and knowledge.

How small, even the most powerful leaders are, in comparison to Him.

However out of control our world may seem, it is the Lord who is turning the pages of history.

It is, after all, HIS Story!!

If our trust is in Jesus, we can remain stable in all weathers and, at all times.

He is our Pilot and will guide us safely through the stormy and rocky waters of this life.

Our leaders come and go, but Jesus NEVER leaves us.

Let's keep our eyes focussed on Him:

Hebrews 12:2 AMPC

Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

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