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It's not enough!

John 6:5-9 AMPC

Jesus looked up then, and seeing that a vast multitude was coming toward Him, He said to Philip, Where are we to buy bread, so that all these people may eat? [6] But He said this to prove (test) him, for He well knew what He was about to do. [7] Philip answered Him, Two hundred pennies' (forty dollars) worth of bread is not enough that everyone may receive even a little. [8] Another of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to Him, [9] There is a little boy here, who has [with him] five barley loaves, and two small fish; but what are they among so many people?

The vast increases in the cost of living coming our way are causing panic in society.

"How will we make ends meet", "should we heat or eat", "too much month at the end of the pay packet" - people are rightly saying all these things.

Andrew's action, in bringing to Jesus what there was to hand, (five loaves and two small fish) seemed derisory! "It's not nearly enough", he told Jesus.

"We're got all these hungry people and that's all we have! It won't do! It's laughable!"

"That's all I have Jesus - the mortgage has gone up, so has electricity, food and petrol. My salary isn't enough!"

As Christians, facing huge hikes in our bills, we can take encouragement from this miracle.

Jesus can make a little, surrendered to Him, with thanksgiving, go a long, long way.

John 6:10-13 AMPC

Jesus said, Make all the people recline (sit down). Now the ground (a pasture) was covered with thick grass at the spot, so the men threw themselves down, about 5,000 in number. [11] Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed to the disciples and the disciples to the reclining people; so also [He did] with the fish, as much as they wanted. [12] When they had all had enough, He said to His disciples, Gather up now the fragments (the broken pieces that are left over), so that nothing may be lost and wasted. [13] So accordingly they gathered them up, and they filled twelve [small hand] baskets with fragments left over by those who had eaten from the five barley loaves.

Perhaps I'm too familiar with this passage, having grown up with it from Sunday school into my advancing years.

Thankfully the Holy Spirit refreshed it for me this morning. I read it like it was brand new.

Let faith rise and believe that the little we have, presented to Jesus, will be more than enough!

Jesus is our great provider and multiplier. It's miraculous when we give our lack of means to Him.

2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Sit down, cease to struggle and see how Jesus will provide.

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