1 Samuel 23:20-21
Come down whenever you’re ready, O king, and we will catch him and hand him over to you!” “The LORD bless you,” Saul said. “At last someone is concerned about me!
Any one who has ever listened to Joyce Meyer's messages will know: "the what about me" robot!
She tells of how her life used to revolve around herself. From the moment she put her feet out of bed, she felt the devil wound her up like a clockwork toy and she would spend her waking hours asking "what about me?" in every situation.
Here in this passage we see how King Saul was driven by selfish motives and spiritual jealousy of David. So much so that his heart became a murderous cave of destruction.
He was so controlled by his jealousy that he even killed priests and tried to kill his own son Jonathan - anyone who tried to protect David.
If you are being pursued ruthlessly by someone with hatred in their heart toward you, realise that they are far more miserable than you.
You may find it inexplicable that someone should envy you, but it happens!
Satan will use any tool to attack believers and, snaring someone through envy, is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
It could even be a fellow believer that tries to put you down at each opportunity.
Remember David's response, he never once tried to retaliate against Saul's murderous pursuit, even when opportunity presented itself.
Remembering that the world doesn't revolve around "me" is a great lesson to keep in mind.
Watch out for the snares of self interest and jealousy.
Who is the centre of my universe? Is it all about ME?

Psalm 16:8
I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Father God please help me to keep Jesus at the forefront of my life and leave you to deal with myself and my enemies.