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Psalm 141:2 AMPC

Let my prayer be set forth as incense before You, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

Revelation 8:4 AMPC

And the smoke of the incense (the perfume) arose in the presence of God, with the prayers of the people of God (the saints), from the hand of the angel.

Yesterday we lit an orange spice candle to welcome in the Sabbath as we had our evening meal. I'd been given it as a gift from a client.

It was a lovely perfume that filled the conservatory.

I'd forgotten about it, but, as I opened the patio door this morning, the aroma still filled the air.

Our prayers are like the candle that we lit - one little flame - perhaps out of desperation or weakness - we may have even forgotten it - BUT GOD!

Isaiah 42:3 AMPC

A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not quench; He will bring forth justice in truth.

Those sincere prayers, offered up to the Lord, fill His nostrils as a wondrous perfume, always before Him.

Never ever think that your prayers are wasted, they are precious in Heaven. They are mixed with the perfect will of the Father and He will use them to bring about His purpose.

Romans 8:26 AMPC

So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.

Ever feel daunted by the prayer you're praying? Maybe someone is in the final stages of cancer, or in the chains of some addiction, far away from belief in Jesus.

The Holy Spirit meets our willingness to ask and converts those weak and feeble prayers into something immensely powerful.

So, as we come before our precious Lord Jesus and offer up our prayers and praise, let's be reassured that these are filling, not only our room, but Heaven itself.


Thank you Heavenly Father that you store up every prayer I pray and mix it with your will! Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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