Psalm 16:7-9 AMPC
I will bless the Lord, Who has given me counsel; yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons. [8] I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. [9] Therefore my heart is glad and my glory [my inner self] rejoices; my body too shall rest and confidently dwell in safety
Waking in the night, very often, that's when fearful thoughts arise to threaten and torment.
Somehow problems can seem far worse at 3 or 4am. We've all heard the saying "it's darkest just before dawn"!
I awoke to find that feeling of dread envelope me. A vague atmosphere of helplessness descended like a cloud.
Lots of "what ifs" thoughts started to form out of nowhere.
It had begun to be a pattern in recent days.
Thankfully, "The Bible in One Year" came in on my email and Psalm 16 was the first passage for the day.
It talks of the Lord being a refuge of protection and a blessed hope for eternity.
"My heart instructs me in the night seasons" - there was the key - to set the Lord CONTINUALLY before me.
My heart had lost its focus. I'd been taking the bait of fear, dangled before me by the evil one.
Time to refocus my heart and keep the Lord always before me in my thoughts.
Whatever is up ahead, and, there will be "night seasons" to face, yet we are promised an eternity of pleasures in fellowship with the God who loves us.
I am also reassured that God is close at hand NOW. He won't abandon me - hallelujah!
Moreover, trusting in Jesus, our blessed Redeemer and Forerunner, means death holds no fear. It's just a doorway to Heaven.
Prayer: Father God, help my heart to instruct me when times are dark. Reassure me that You will never abandon me, because of Jesus