How can we sing the Lord’s song
In a strange and foreign land?
Psalm 137:4
Truly, for Christians, these days, it's like sitting down by the rivers of Babylon, "rivers" of multi-culturalism, atheism, blasphemies and restrictions are flowing in the land.
The Psalmist quite rightly poses the question - how can we rejoice and sing at this time?
For the Psalmist, who was in exile, faraway from Jerusalem, the home of his faith - it was a time to weep and mourn and long for the good old days!
We may feel the same about how the world has morphed seemingly "overnight" into something we don't recognise.
How can we sing then? How can we rejoice then? We are in "a strange land" which doesn't acknowledge the government of our God.
What happened to our "Christian" country? The laws and boundaries, once treasured, are like broken down, like ruined walls, breached by the culture warriors, determined to bring in a new normal, destroying history, reforming reality.
Truly we should hang up our "harps" and weep!
I remember Boney M singing this Psalm to a disco tune back in the '70's, but rather the Psalm is a sad lament of God's chosen people banished from their homeland.
How sad should we be at this time? Jesus is a stranger to most people - a casual curse word - to express surprise or anger.
We have restricted Him to mythical status, a little helpless baby - someone who won't step on our spiritual toes! Rather let us laud Father Christmas and the tinsel town he creates!
How can we sing the Lord’s song
In a strange and foreign land?
Psalm 137:4
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