Mark 16:9-13 AMPC
Now Jesus, having risen [from death] early on the first day of the week, appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had driven out seven demons. [10] She went and reported it to those who had been with Him, as they grieved and wept. [11] And when they heard that He was alive and that she had seen Him, they did not believe it. [12] After this, He appeared in a different form to two of them as they were walking [along the way] into the country. [13] And they returned [to Jerusalem] and told the others, but they did not believe them either.

Some good news is so spectacularly wonderful that it's unbelievable.
Today we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
The terrible physical torture that Jesus endured - the flogging that literally ripped His flesh and made great gaping wounds - only served to make the agony of His crucifixion even deeper.
Jesus' body was definitely dead when they laid Him in the tomb.
The disciples had pinned all their ambition and hopes on Jesus. They'd left their jobs and families and now they were terrified about being rounded up by the same leaders who has organised Jesus' execution.
Perhaps they wondered if Judas was busy betraying them too?
They were so focused on fearing and grieving that they were unable to receive the astounding news that Jesus had risen from the dead - just as He said He would!
They received the news from two separate sources, but remained unconvinced.
I live with a "doubting Thomas".
Yesterday we were walking the dog (who's not good with other dogs) when I saw an alsatian up ahead. So I sounded the alarm "reel him in" on his extenda-lead. Said nearest and dearest said: "I don't see it", so I repeated it and made sure we took evasive action.
Only when he saw the alsatian did he believe.
There are many different beliefs today about Jesus, some say He's a mythical figure, some say a prophet, some say a great teacher. Lots believe He is still dead (but no body has ever been found).
But only a personal encounter with the living Lord Jesus will reveal the truth - JESUS IS ALIVE - and is about to return for His own.
Jesus once asked His disciples "who do YOU say I am?" He asks the same question of each one of us this Easter morn.
I say an emphatic "Jesus You are the Risen Lord of all! Because You live, I do too - hallelujah - death is defeated!"