Matthew 15:14 AMPC
Let them alone and disregard them; they are blind guides and teachers. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a ditch.
When we visit a historical or nature site we usually need a guide to get the most out of our visit. Some use guide books, some "wing-it" on their own - the best is to use an experienced guide.
I have been on two pilgrimages to Israel and our group had two different guides.
The first one we thought was good until we visited Israel the second time.
During our first visit we were rushed round and we're back in our hotel by 3 pm. He couldn't wait for his work to be over and done with. He had his own interests at heart.
The second guide put his heart and soul into our tour. He looked after us and gave us more information than we could take on board at times.
He shared about the land he loved and gave us a real insight into what it meant to be Israeli. We saw everything through his eyes.
By now this guide is my nearest and dearest and over the years I've come to know both him and the land of Israel very well.
In the passage above Jesus is warning about the blind guides of his day - the religious leaders.
They were so intent on following rules and regulations that they missed the whole essence of relationship with God.
Make sure that you choose the right guide for your life. Choose someone who knows the way and who cares about you. Follow that guide.
Of course if you ask me what guide you should use if you ever visit Israel, I will recommend my better half - because I know him and have a personal experience of his guiding.
If you ask me who you should choose as your life guide, I would urge you to follow Jesus. Why? ....because, after being with Him for so long, I can tell you from personal experience, He has never forsaken me and has supported me through thick and thin. Through Him I see my way to eternal life.
John 14:6 AMPC
Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.
Which guide are you following?