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God speaks your language

Acts 2:4-13 AMPC

And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words]. [5] Now there were then residing in Jerusalem Jews, devout and God-fearing men from every country under heaven. [6] And when this sound was heard, the multitude came together and they were astonished and bewildered, because each one heard them [the apostles] speaking in his own [particular] dialect. [7] And they were beside themselves with amazement, saying, Are not all these who are talking Galileans? [8] Then how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own (particular) dialect to which we were born? [9] Parthians and Medes and Elamites and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and [the province of] Asia, [10] Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and the transient residents from Rome, both Jews and the proselytes [to Judaism from other religions], [11] Cretans and Arabians too-we all hear them speaking in our own native tongues [and telling of] the mighty works of God! [12] And all were beside themselves with amazement and were puzzled and bewildered, saying one to another, What can this mean? [13] But others made a joke of it and derisively said, They are simply drunk and full of sweet [intoxicating] wine.

My nearest and dearest's mother tongue isn't English so sometimes we have "famous misunderstandings" - when he thinks I've said one thing when I mean something else.

Occasionally, it leads to conflict, but mostly to a lot of laughter!

To my shame, my grasp of his language is very poor.

The great thing about the gospel is that God speaks your language.

Here in Acts we see that, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, people from different places heard the Good News spoken in their "mother tongue" and even in their own dialect!

Their reactions differed in the same way as today - some were amazed and believed, others dismissed this miracle saying they were drunk.

When God speaks right into our inmost being - clearly and truly - we have a choice to make - accept or reject!

The Holy Spirit's work is to reveal Jesus to each heart in a way in which there can be no misunderstanding.

If you read on in Acts 2, the previously denying, cowardly Peter expounds the Truth of Jesus from the Scriptures clearly so that there could be no confusion.

This cut through misunderstandings:

Acts 2:37 AMPC

Now when they heard this they were stung (cut) to the heart, and they said to Peter and the rest of the apostles (special messengers), Brethren, what shall we do?

Acts 2:38 AMPC

And Peter answered them, Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the Holy Spirit has cut into your heart right now!

Time to give in, turn yourself over to Jesus for a brand new start and eternal future.

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