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God's Banquet

In Jerusalem, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies will spread a wonderful feast for all the people of the world. It will be a delicious banquet with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat. There He will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth. He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign LORD will wipe away all tears. He will remove forever all insults and mockery against his land and people. The LORD has spoken! In that day the people will proclaim, “This is our God! We trusted in Him, and He saved us! This is the LORD, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation He brings!” For the LORD’s hand of blessing will rest on Jerusalem. But Moab will be crushed. It will be like straw trampled down and left to rot.

Isaiah 25:6-10

Yesterday I was with a client who was planning a wedding reception in their grounds. It's not until a year ahead, but already plans are being made: where to hire a marquee, different kinds of foods - a hog roast, a burger van for the kids, Thai food for the more discerning. It is an event which will bring all family and friends together to celebrate.

I could see the joy on the faces of the parents who will lovingly put the event together! All family members will receive an invite which they must reply to, so no gate-crashers are allowed in!

In this passage of Isaiah we are told of God's banquet. He's been planning it from eternity.

Can you imagine the feast He has prepared? The best ever tasty food and drink will be on offer, a magnificent menu.

But more important than a transitory feast is the promise of a new world with "no more death", and, an end to tears and sadness.

Can you imagine a world where fear and fighting, famine and thirst will be no more?

We're not talking about an atheistic utopian hope of John Lennon in his song Imagine - that takes our Creator out of the equation. What a disaster we would be without God in our lives.

No, what is prophecied, is no dream, it's an unbreakable promise from the Sovereign Lord, sealed in His Own Son's Precious Blood!

Everyone is invited, He wants you there to share in His Joy forever. But you must respond to the invite.

Don't turn His invite down, "RSVP" as a matter of urgency! There is a deadline!

We'll look at Jesus' parable about this tomorrow....

... To be continued...

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