Psalm 11:3-4 NLT
The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?" [4] But the LORD is in his holy Temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth.
AI (artificial intelligence) is making big strides to monitor everything about us and the aim is absolute control over thought, motive and purpose.
That it emanates from the evil one is in no doubt. It is anti everything the Creator had in mind for us - free will, free speech, free action.
Long before AI was thought of, God was already viewing each and every mortal and every situation. He is keenly aware of the state of the Cosmos and His Plan hasn't been derailed.
Moral foundations are on the move, law and order is shaky - it's not the world that most of us grew up in.
What can we do when we see our country and the world self imploding?
When those who worship false foreign gods are in places of power, how are we to respond?
This Psalm asks the question most Christians are asking too.
The answer is to remain confident in our Sovereign Lord.
Don't give up or give in.
Our Father God hasn't suddenly resigned or abdicated His peerless throne.
There is a time coming when Jesus will return as He promised, to finish what He started.
There will be judgement and retribution for the unrepentant and arrogant.
Just wait, you'll see.
Like Israel in Isaiah's time, they had to be overrun by foreign invaders in order to come to their senses, perhaps that will happen, or is happening in our time?
Keep praying, keep trusting because "Our God Reigns"!
Isaiah 52:7 AMPC
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns!