The miracle of friendship
John 15:15 AMPC
I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you My friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]
Friends are like precious pearls formed through the "grit" that life throws at us.
As I sit here I recall how each of you have blessed my life with your friendship, you are my pearls (although I'm not old enough to graduate to a twin set and pearls yet🤣🤣).
Has it dawned on you, I mean REALLY sunk in, that Jesus calls us His friends?
It struck me afresh today what an amazing thing this is - a privilege beyond description - that the Son of God calls me, yes, ME, His friend!
Not only that, but He initiated the relationship, designed it before the foundation of the world - A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
With privilege comes responsibility... no one likes a friend who talks all the time but never listens.
Am I like that to Jesus? Bombarding Him with endless petitions, yet never stopping to wait to hear His heart? To thank Him for His precious friendship? To spend time just "hanging out" with Him (as the Americans call it).
As you look at a flower or watch a bird building its nest, share this moment with Him... After all it IS His handiwork!
In the midst of the suffering that is going on remember to stop, look, listen to Jesus, for he wants to share things with you.
The other day I went to my coffee machine, put in the pod and pressed the button to start the process. Then I went away, my mind busy with something else, only to return to find that I had forgotten to put my mug underneath!!! I wasted the coffee..
How often have I missed what the Lord has to tell me because I put the receiver down?
That's worth a quite a long selah....
Be a listening friend to Jesus