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Psalm 103:3 AMPC

Who forgives [every one of] all your iniquities, Who heals [each one of] all your diseases

Yesterday I listened to a doctor who had performed over 1200 abortions.

It wasn't until he held his dying daughter in his arms, after a road traffic accident, that it dawned on him what he had done.

Shortly after, he could no longer carry out anymore abortions and later came to Jesus.

At that point he knew that he needed forgiveness for what he had done.

He stated that only the Blood of Jesus provided the forgiveness he so desperately needed.

This precious Psalm lays out the lavishness of the Lord's forgiveness.

It doesn't say that there are certain sins that are unforgivable - it says "all your sins"...

For those who turn to Jesus in true repentance, there is full and free forgiveness.

David's life story is a testimony to the deceitfulness of sin.

He tried to cover up his adultery with Bathsheba and ended up arranging the death of her husband Uriah.

For a long time he hid his sin from his own conscience, self justifying, but, when confronted by the prophet Nathan, he came to his senses.

Then he realised that he desperately needed God's forgiveness - see Psalm 53.

You may be so impervious to the Holy Spirit, that you need a jolt to wake you up to the fact that you need forgiveness.

Until you wake up to the fact that you are guilty, you won't realise you need a Saviour.

When you do, Jesus' forgiveness is waiting for you.

Yes, every one of your and my iniquities are covered by Jesus' atoning death on the Cross.

Isaiah 53:6 AMPC

All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has made to light upon Him the guilt and iniquity of us all.

This is amazing grace!

Bless the Lord O my soul.

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