Psalm 60:11 AMPC
O give us help against the adversary, for vain (ineffectual and to no purpose) is the help or salvation of man.
First responders arrive first on the scene of any accident or emergency. When we pray, we put God on the scene before anyone else.
A lesson well learned is to go FIRST to the Lord with every trial, trouble or attack.
Of course, remember Jesus' words from the Sermon on the Mount:
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33
Perhaps you've all heard the saying "don't go to the phone, go to the the Throne" - it's very true.
Even if it's a swift "Nehemiah-type" prayer, it puts God in charge of the situation.
That's not to say to sit idle when faced with attacks, but seek first wisdom from God.
James 1:5 AMPC
If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or fault finding, and it will be given him.
In the recent furore with the Royal family it was encouraging to note that our Queen didn't rush her response and, when she did, the words were wise and seasoned with kindness.
When we are accused or challenged unfairly it is so easy to hit back in anger and look to gather folk who will support us.
However, the Psalm reminds us "vain is the help of man".
I have learned by hard experience that only:
Psalm 60:12 AMPC
Through God we shall do valiantly, for He it is Who shall tread down our adversaries.
Always remember that the real enemy (behind any person) is a spiritual one, not flesh and blood. Therefore only the Holy Spirit can properly deal with that foe!
Father, in Jesus name, help us to go to You first for wisdom and help to overcome the assaults of satan in our lives. Holy Spirit come pour out your wisdom on us.