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Fellow prisoners!

Genesis 40:1-4 AMPC

Now some time later the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt offended their lord, Egypt's king. [2] And Pharaoh was angry with his officers, the chief of the butlers and the chief of the bakers. [3] He put them in custody in the house of the captain of the guard, in the prison where Joseph was confined. [4] And the captain of the guard put them in Joseph's charge, and he served them; and they continued in custody for some time.

There's a great deal of frustration being voiced about who we were prevented from seeing while in lockdowns. Especially while those in high places were flouting the rules.

So many saying how they couldn't see grandchildren or mums and dads who were lonely and starved of company.

Perhaps those emotions were at work in Joseph's heart too.

He was confined, far from home, not able to communicate with his family and friends: no smartphone or tablet, no Skype or facetime!

Do we see him moaning? What do we see?

He wasn't so bound up in self pity that he failed to notice the needs of those in the same prison.

The Bible even says: "he served them!"

When they had bad dreams he was concerned that they looked sad and depressed (Genesis 40:6).

The Lord had a great purpose to fulfill via Joseph, one that would bring him personal freedom, but also benefit an entire nation. Yet it started small and in prison.

Who is your fellow "prisoner"? Who are you confined with? It may not be your choice of company, but, in God's sovereignty, He has ordained it. It may be your stepping stone to something far bigger than you can imagine!

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