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But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. Psalm 10:14, NIV

Sharing today's from another devotional that I'm using called: "Revealing Jesus"...

"Don’t miss what I’m about to write. It’s too important for our day and age to skip over.

If you grew up in a home with no father or with a father who was unkind or not really there for you, God is and always will be the defender of the fatherless.

Thank God for the example of wonderful earthly fathers. If you have a great dad, make sure you take the time to appreciate him today.

But many today can testify to not having a loving earthly father.

The fatherless generation is looking for examples as they raise their own children.

But praise be to God, He is the ultimate example of true fatherhood, full of grace, wisdom, guidance, and most of all, unconditional love.

He hears and responds to the prayer of the afflicted. He pays special note to the fatherless.

He is there to encourage, strengthen, rescue, and heal all the helpless.

Be assured, no matter how grim circumstance may be for you or those you love, God adopts, defends, and gives dignity to all of humanity, even those who are betrayed and damaged.

God is, after all, our loving heavenly Father.

Please remember, you are not alone and you are not unloved.

You are completely valued by the One who created you and knew you even before you came to be.

You have the most wonderful Father you could ever imagine.

Prayer: "You are my Father and my God. Thank you that I am your child. Thank you that you heal and rescue me when I am hurt. Thank you for never abandoning me—you are always there for me and all your children.""

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