Psalm 112:7 AMPC
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord.
Just to let you know that the first part of this devotion was written at 4am on 16th February 2021 BEFORE we knew what the result of the application was. This is the foreknowledge of the Lord as given by the Holy Spirit. God is to be trusted!
Here I am awake in the early hours anxiously anticipating the outcome of nearest and dearest's visa application - due to be delivered this very day.
When an Inner Voice says: "expect a good report" and leads me to the verse above.
I realise I've been "defending" myself against disappointment by expecting the worse!
This Voice was gently pointing me in the right direction - to not be afraid of bad news but instead stand firm trusting the Lord.
How ridiculous of me to spend months, yes, literally months praying for a positive outcome only to end up like this!
The spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is weak!
So right now, before the event, I'm picking myself up and in my smallness and weakness, declare that it is in God's Hands whatever the outcome, I will stand firm trusting Him.
Hours later... written at my desk..
Well, by now, we know - the visa was awarded and said hubby is due to arrive in a few days time after 3 months apart. The elation, relief and thankfulness is extreme.
There are so many people to thank for their faithful love and prayers, but, most of all to Our Loving Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I'm sitting here in silent wonder and incredulity - answered prayer is so amazing - especially after a long battle and an extended waiting period. Sometimes thanks goes beyond words, it is something deep, deep inside reverberating in my spirit.
Blessed be the name of the Lord forever!
Psalm 113:1-8
Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord!
Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forever
From the rising of the sun to the going down of it and from east to west, the name of the Lord is to be praised!
The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory above the heavens!
Who is like the Lord our God, Who has His seat on high,
Who humbles Himself to regard the heavens and the earth!
The Lord raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap and the dung hill,
That He may seat them with princes, even with the princes of His people.