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Do not touch!

Exodus 25:15 AMPC

The poles shall remain in the rings of the ark; they shall not be removed from it [that the ark be not touched].

In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant, which represented God's Presence, could not be touched by ordinary folk.

Only the priests could go near and then there had to be certain rules adhered to in order to do so.

Then there is the terrible account of Uzzah who died when he touched the Ark (2 Samuel 6:3 onwards).

Certainly the Lord's Presence was "Do not touch"!

Then Jesus came and His approach was so different. Read the Gospels and we see Him reaching out to touch those that respectable people would shun: the lepers, the demon possessed, prostitutes, tax collectors, the little lady with menopausal issues, aliens and those with disabilities.

Yesterday we looked at the ritually unclean lady touching the hem of Jesus' garment, but this was not an isolated incident for healing.

Matthew 14:34-36 AMPC

And when they had crossed over to the other side, they went ashore at Gennesaret. [35] And when the men of that place recognised Him, they sent around into all the surrounding country and brought to Him all who were sick [36] And begged Him to let them merely touch the fringe of His garment; and as many as touched it were perfectly restored.

ALL who touched Jesus were not just healed but perfectly restored.

Being "perfectly restored" takes different forms - but first and foremost is the restoration of face face fellowship with the Living God.

The wonder is that God the Father yearns for that closeness with each one of us. So much so that He gave us Jesus as the Bridge to that oneness.

The alienation that sin caused is eradicated by the Blood of the Cross.

Ephesians 2:13 AMPC

But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were [so] far away, through (by, in) the blood of Christ have been brought near.

No more "do not touch", but reach out and touch the Living God - in oneness and intimacy - face to face fellowship.

That touch imparts strength to weakest person to overcome in every situation however painful.

Reach out and touch Jesus in your own need right now. He is willing to help you. Come near by His precious blood.

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