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Psalm 23:3 AMPC

He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him — not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake.

We have a foster dog, Tikka, she's fitted in very well with us and we love her.

On our daily canal walk we decided let her go free and see if she would follow us without a lead.

At first she followed nicely, very anxious not to lose sight of us.

Yet after several days she has become sidetracked by  "attractive" doggy smells. . along the path.

Yesterday she managed to roll in some particularly foul smelling stuff before we could grab her and put her on a lead!

Once home, she was treated to a thorough wash down and not let in the house until she had been sprayed with doggy deodorant!

It's  a sobering thought that we get so used to our freedom in Jesus and get side tracked by all sorts of beguiling "scents" that are out to distract us from following Him closely.

I admit that the Lord often has to wash and cleanse me from the thoughts, deeds and words that I've "rolled in" before I can come into His Presence.

Psalm 32 speaks about forgiveness and confessing our sins to the Lord and not being like a horse or mule (v9) that needs a bit and bridle to come along.

At this vital time may we follow where our Lord is leading us, without distraction or diversion - living in that freedom that Jesus has purchased with His lifeblood.

Psalm 32:6 AMPC

For this [forgiveness] let everyone who is godly pray - pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely when the great waters [of trial] overflow, they shall not reach [the spirit in] him.

That's a promise

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