Psalm 19:1-4 AMPC
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork. [2] Day after day pours forth speech, and night after night shows forth knowledge. [3] There is no speech nor spoken word [from the stars]; their voice is not heard. [4] Yet their voice goes out through all the earth, their sayings to the end of the world. Of the heavens has God made a tent for the sun,
which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; and it rejoices as a strong man to run his course. [6] Its going forth is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the ends of it; and nothing [yes, no one] is hidden from the heat of it.
Beautiful Psalm!
I often get clouded by the many issues of life. My mind is crowded and bombarded with things to do.
So it is a real therapy to be still in nature and let it "declare" the greatness of God.
Nature, although not verbally speaking, has a wonderful message that it constantly proclaims 24/7!
One particular instance springs to mind. When visiting the Grand Canyon, I was so overwhelmed with its beauty and grandeur that I cried tears of joy.
Its very splendour pointed to the greatness of God.
I could imagine Jesus, the Creative Force of the Godhead, forming it like a Divine Sculpture.
It made me gasp for joy.
Nature makes no Declaration of Independence, it declares its allegiance to the Lord.
We as fallen humans, strangely and inexplicably, want to detach ourselves from the Creator. But you have only to look at our world to see what a mess we make of things when we disconnect from God.
As Christians, our lives speak volumes without words and people are watching us to see if they match up to what we believe.
What a great thing if our lives could speak silently of the wonder of our relationship with Jesus 24/7 so that we could sign the declaration that the heavens are perpetually making.
Let's gladly "take the knee" for the King of Creation - He alone is worthy!
A prayer
Father, You formed me for Your Glory. May my life reflect that glory as the moon and the stars do. Where my wrongdoing has dulled and marred Your reflection, please wash me anew in Jesus' blood and shine in me.