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Dead Church, dead nation

Revelation 3:1-3 AMPC

And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Sardis write: These are the words of Him Who has the seven Spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit] and the seven stars: I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but [in reality] you are dead. [2] Rouse yourselves, wake up and strengthen what remains and is on the point of dying; for I have not found a thing that you have done [any work of yours] meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight. [3] So call to mind the lessons you received and heard; continually lay them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not rouse yourselves and keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come.

Our nation's decline can be rightly traced to the state of the church.

It has a reputation of being alive, but, in fact it's dead as a dodo.

Tolerance is killing this land.

We haven't stood up for our values and consequently are falling for anything!

Personally, I was heart stricken to see Rishi Sunak prostrating himself before the door of Downing Street, proudly venerating his Hindu god.

This is the man who has been allowed to take the highest office of state.

Notice I didn't say "voted"!

The history of this nation, its laws, it values are Judeo-Christian, but we are tolerating it away.

Much like a dead body can't protest against anything, so the church and Christian leaders are saying nothing, while our ancient boundary stones are being removed.

We've moved so far away from Biblical values that the nation hardly knows right from wrong.

The blame lies firmly at the door of the church.

The archbishop would rather champion climate change than stand up for Biblical values.

He'd rather save the planet than save souls.

We are a lost, befuddled nation, falling down the vortex of multicultural woke-ness.

Is there the time or the will to wake up?

I pray God will have mercy on us and that the Holy Spirit will help strengthen what remains.

How we need a John Wesley - an anointed man of God - who will fearlessly preach the gospel of Jesus.

We are in a desolate state.

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