Matthew 15:13-14 NLT
Jesus replied, "Every plant not planted by My heavenly Father will be uprooted, [14] so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch."
The Archbishop of York has sparked debate by suggesting that using the term 'Our Father' in the Lord's Prayer is "problematic".
Oh dear, here we go again - more attempts to undermine the basics of the Christian faith by some clergy.
Jesus, the Head of the Body of Christ, gave this prayer to His disciples when they asked "teach us to pray". So, changing it is out of the question for true believers. It is sacred.
Of course in this gender sensitive, woke society that is emerging, anything strictly male only creates controversy.
Thankfully some clergy have retorted:
"It seems to be emblematic of the approach of some church leaders to take their cues from culture rather than scripture.”
Dr Sugden said: "If people have had a difficult relationship with their human fathers then the option open to them is to say you can rediscover the true nature of fatherhood through Christ."
Amen to that!
Jesus continually emphasised and detailed the nature of our Heavenly Father.
Luke 12:32 NLT
So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.
Luke 11:13 NLT
So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."
Matthew 6:32 NLT
These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs.
The portrait Jesus "word-paints" of His Father is One whose loving kindness is over all Creation and focuses especially on humanity.
Over and over Jesus, in the Gospels, speaks of God as our Heavenly Father.
We do well to ignore the blind guides and stick to the Master's Word in order to relate properly to God.
Luke 11:2 AMPC
And He said to them, When you pray, say: Our Father Who is in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come. Your Will be done [held holy and revered] on earth as it is in Heaven.