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Luke 18:1-14

If you, like me, want to have a better prayer life, we can do no better than look at this passage.

What did Jesus have to say about it? He's the Expert!

As usual Jesus explains with graphic illustrations...

First - be "persistent" and "patient"- don't give up - the widow in the story made an absolute nuisance of herself before the judge who, apparently, wasn't a very nice man.

Finally, she got justice because he got fed up with her persistent plea to be heard.

Am I like that when I pray? Or do I give in and go away disappointed, saying God doesn't care.

Second be "persuaded" that our Heavenly Father DOES hear and DOES care.

Jesus says when He returns will He find faith on the earth?

What a shame to look Him in the face and realise that I gave up believing and praying!

Third - be "penitent"!

The next story is about two people praying in the Temple - let me make it more up to date, shall I? 

Let's say that one was a drug dealer and the other a vicar....

The vicar looks over at the drug dealer and prays to himself: "God, I'm glad I'm not like that drug dealer and I'm a good person, not like so many others."

Whilst the drug dealer cries out to the Lord: "..please forgive me, I've done so much wrong, I need your mercy"!

Be aware that, when we come to God in prayer, we are at best undeserving sinners.

Jesus promises that when we come with "heart-sorrow" for our sin, we will be heard and forgiven.

Lastly a "proud" attitude will prevent my prayer from being heard.

I need to dump any pride or my own "perceived"goodness at the foot of the cross of Jesus - realise my own unworthiness before God.

It doesn't matter how religious I've been - going to church, fasting, donating money to charity - that can't get me into God's good books.

We have to come with humble, grateful hearts to the Throne of Grace! The Bible tells us that Jesus is seated at God's right hand [Mark 16:19], waiting to hear us respond to Him.

Psalm 51:17

The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

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