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And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins,

Ephesians 2:1

This is the miracle of the new birth - being made alive spiritually from spiritual death.

What can I compare this to? If a beautiful flower, like this tiger lily is cut off from the main stalk - although it looks alive, it is dying. It has nothing of itself to sustain it.

Or, when trying to fix a new light in the garage something happened - two wires touched that that tripped the main fuse box and caused a fuse to blow.

It took a while to trace the cause, but eventually we found the dead fuse that was stopping the power flow. We replaced the broken fuse and flipped the main switch back on and power was connected again.

Jesus came to replace the old broken fuse of our fallen, sinful nature with his life.

It doesn't matter how many different "fuses" of religious ideology we try - if there's no life in it, no power source - it's dead! However, once Jesus is in our heart we are reconnected to God, because He is the only one with an unbroken "fuse"!

When we replaced the dead fuse in our garage, the light came on and we could see clearly. If you're trying life without first replacing your spiritual fuse - at the end of the day, there's no light, no power, no life - only death and darkness awaiting.

The good news is that there's still time to get reconnected....

There's a wonderful old hymn that I used to love singing that expresses the joy of being made alive in Jesus:

What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought

Since Jesus came into my heart I have light in my soul for so long I had sought Since Jesus came into my heart

Since Jesus came into my heart

Since Jesus came into my heart Floods of joy o'er my soul, like a sea billows roll Since Jesus came into my heart

Savour the joy of being reconnected to the Source of all life - our wonderful Lord Jesus!

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