Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 AMPC
To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven: [2] A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted...
The days are shortening, the temperature is dropping, the leaves are falling and the flowers fading - autumn is upon us.
For me, it was always a sad time.
I used to get so down in the dumps.
Indeed, some folk even get S.A.D: "seasonally affected disorder" and have to take supplements and use daylight lamps to replicate sunshine.
Nowadays, I try to see the beauty of the golden autumn colours as we walk our dog among the trees.
There is an inate attractiveness in each and every season.
Yesterday my nearest and dearest and I watched some video clips of our 2011 trip to Canada.
Later, I remarked, "did you notice how we have aged since then?" He sadly agreed.
Try as hard as we might, with fitness regimes, "autumn" and "winter" comes to us all.
Joints stiffen, tummies widen, muscles degrade and wrinkles deepen - it's a fact!
However, we, as believers in Jesus, can rejoice because we are preparing to be sown (as perishable human flesh) to rise imperishable with our resurrected Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:42 AMPC
So it is with the resurrection of the dead. [The body] that is sown is perishable and decays, but [the body] that is resurrected is imperishable (immune to decay, immortal).
Today is a day for planting tulip bulbs in the garden - my favourite flowers.
They are sown in autumn as dry dead looking bulbs, buried in the ground.
They disappear from view, to resurrect in spring as vibrant, colourful blooms.
So I mustn't dread the ageing process, I'm just getting ready to be "planted", ready to burst forth in everlasting life with Jesus at the Resurrection.
Last week we buried our Queen.
She now awaits that glorious day of receiving a new imperishable body, alive forevermore with Jesus as the eternal King of kings.
Hallelujah for autumn - bring it on!