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A Little Lost

Matthew 18:11-13 AMPC

For the Son of man came to save from the penalty of eternal death that which was lost. [12] What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray and gets lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost? [13] And if it should be that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost.

All too often these days a little child or young person goes missing.

The stark reality is that there are corrupt and perverted souls bent on kidnap and abuse.

When some little one goes missing, the local community drops everything to assist the police in searching for them, until they find them. Normal life goes on the back burner, it changes everyone's priorities.

Jesus has those same spiritual priorities. He boldly states that He same to seek and save that which was lost = you and me!

If you don't have that personal relationship with Jesus, or, you have lost your faith, realise that you are the first on His agenda - His number one priority!

He is actively searching for you and, uses any willing volunteers who are willing, to seek you out.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit is nicknamed "The Hound of Heaven", and, just like hounds are used in searching for lost people, the Holy Spirit is on the scent of your life.

He is relentless in His pursuit and won't give up on searching you out.

Satan is on the prowl too, looking to abduct you with promises he won't and can't keep.

He is a deceiver, liar and thief - wanting only to steal, kill and destroy your life.

Don't get lured away with lies, call out from wherever you are, for The Saviour, the Only One who can bring you back.

When you have time, listen to this modern adaptation of the Hound of Heaven: [grab a coffee - sit and listen]..

Prayer: Jesus, I'm so glad that You didn't give up on me. You carried on the search until You found me. I still feel a bit lost from time to time. Thank You that You are ever watchful over me. Help me to join You in the search for others who are lost too.

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