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A daily walk

This morning I woke with this song in my heart:

Day by day

Day by day

Oh Dear Lord

Three things I pray

To see thee more clearly

Love thee more dearly

Follow thee more nearly

Day by day

It is part of a prayer written by Richard of Chichester in Middle Ages and became the words of a song in "Godspell" the 1970 musical. His words are still relevant.

Today may just be an "ordinary" day, but it is extraordinary because we walk it with Jesus.

He is in every moment, in every cloud, blade of grass, flower petal, painting the sky with different colours and kinds of clouds.

He is shaping our lives through our interaction with others, what we watch, read and listen to.

His Word filters out the dross and feeds us with the Truth and shines a Light on our pathway. It is a Heavenly GPS, taking us from our present situation to our eternal destination.

If you've gotten lost, turn to Him for He IS The Way, The Truth and The Life - John 14

He will be Your Guide throughout Life, as He has been with me and Richard of Chichester plus so many others down through the ages.

It's a day by day walk by His side.

You never have to go it alone!

Psalm 68:19 AMPC

Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation! Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

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