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Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold

Matthew 24:12

Thankfully, we live in a democracy where the votes of the majority - most of the people - choose who will govern our land.

It can prove more convoluted, via computerised systems and coercion, but, the theory is, what most of the people decide - that is what goes!

Yet, just because the majority act in a particular way, it doesn't necessarily follow that they are right.

Jesus, speaking about the end of the world, says that one sign will be that the love of many (or most) will grow cold.

The cause will be the increase of wickedness.

Even the most indifferent person can see how much lawlessness has grown.

Stabbings on the streets of our big cities are commonplace. There are "no go" areas where even the police fear.

In addition, there is great corruption within the police force.

No wonder folk are becoming insular - afraid of others - instead of being open, kind and helpful.

There is no doubt that there is a decline in societal love.

Jesus' prophecy is unveiling, as it must.

So we our task is to hold firm to Jesus' love and compassion, being prepared to be in the minority - different from the crowd.

Matthew 24:13 AMPC

But he who endures to the end will be saved.

Keep on sharing the good news of Jesus until the end comes!

Matthew 24:14 AMPC

And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end.

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